The sustained competitive advantage of a company today requires the management of internal and external knowledge and leveraging it to create innovation. The 21st century is rapidly moving into what is being called the "global knowledge economy," marked by the increased turbulence, uncertainty, and ambiguity of the current economic climate. Managing innovation requires research methods which evaluate: a) the technological abilities, b) the procedures, and c) the needs of a company/organization and propose specific actions for improvements, progress, and development. This paper proposes a process for managing innovation in small to medium size enterprise (SME). In order to support this process, this article elaborates on the innovation management techniques through a directory, which organizes techniques and tools into four generic types and 36 sub categories. Finally, to demonstrate this process a fictitious case example is presented.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Research Article
- Pages 245-258
- DOI 10.1260/1757-2223.4.4.245
- Authors
- Dimitris Skalkos, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of The Aegean, Myrina, Lemnos, Greece
- Journal International Journal of Innovation Science
- Print ISSN 1757-2223
- Journal Volume Volume 4
- Journal Issue Volume 4, Number 4 / December 2012