Channel: International Journal of Innovation Science
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Decision Making in Brazil and Emerging Technologies: The Case of 18F-FDG


The article recalls the history of the development of Fluor FDG in Brazil. Important facts that impacted this development and how this technology evolved considering a time span of more than ten years, starting from 1996, are presented in this paper. Five decisions made between 2004 and 2005 were selected and analyzed from the perspective of knowledge that a key decision maker has developed around the main elements of a decision - problem, objectives, alternatives, consequences, risks approach, and linked decisions. In conclusion, this case shows that experienced decision makers can make quality decisions when they are equipped with the appropriate information, align the relevant decisions taken over time, know how to use the right tactics at the right time and with all participants in decision making. Experienced decision makers identify opportunities where there seem to be problems, review the current strategies and visualize new strategies, and prepare themselves adequately to deal with the uncertainties.

  • Content Type Journal Article
  • Category Research Article
  • Pages 235-248
  • DOI 10.1260/1757-2223.6.4.235
  • Authors
    • Willy Hoppe de Sousa, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares IPEN - CNEN/SP, São Paulo, S.P., Brazil

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